Off-Site Review Committee
What is the Off-Site Review Committee?
This committee provides descriptive feedback to Yukon schools regarding off-site experiential learning trips. Our mandate is to help nurture a community of interests that supports safety and information sharing as an underlying principle in off-site education.
The Off-Site Review Committee (OSRC) will review and provide recommendations to any teacher, school administrator, and superintendent or executive director in the planning and approving of an off-site field trip. An off-site trip is any school-lead experience that takes place off school grounds.
The Off-Site Review Committee (OSRC) will review and provide recommendations to any teacher, school administrator, and superintendent or executive director in the planning and approving of an off-site field trip. An off-site trip is any school-lead experience that takes place off school grounds.
Who is on the OSRC?
Rob McConnell - Committee chair
George Bahm - First Nations Initiatives (George has stepped down and we would like to thank him for 10+ years of amazing service! May, 2023)
Nikki Krocker - Member
Jim Boyde - Member
Jane Vincent - Member
Please contact [email protected] with any questions to be forwarded to the OSRC. The OSRC members are happy to answer any questions you may have!
George Bahm - First Nations Initiatives (George has stepped down and we would like to thank him for 10+ years of amazing service! May, 2023)
Nikki Krocker - Member
Jim Boyde - Member
Jane Vincent - Member
Please contact [email protected] with any questions to be forwarded to the OSRC. The OSRC members are happy to answer any questions you may have!
2024 Meeting Schedule*
The OSRC typically meets every other Thursday between 9am-12pm:
*These dates are subject to change.
Updates will be made to this site as needed to reflect any changes.
- Jan 25th
- Feb 8th
- Feb 22nd
- March 7th
- March 28th
- Aprill 11th
- April 25th
- May 9th
- May 23rd
- June 6th
- June 25th
*These dates are subject to change.
Updates will be made to this site as needed to reflect any changes.